This committee works in collaboration with the principals of C.F. Simmons Middle School and Herget Middle School in Aurora, IL. Committee members support both schools by serving as needed during school events and providing book scholarships during the academic year.

This committee plans fundraisers to support the chapter’s programs and initiatives.

This committee works to destigmatize mental illness, provide awareness and education on the topic to communities with the hope of increasing overall well-being for everyone. With monthly check-ins with Sorority Sisters and a capstone program during Mental Health Awareness Month in May, this committee wants to promote a healthy community that supports open dialogue about mental health and empower individuals to seek help instead of suffering in silence.

This committee supports the sorority-wide Elder Care Initiative by providing awareness and education about aging as well as hosting elder friendly events and supporting local senior facilities in Aurora and near-by communities.

GET ENGAGED is one of the sorority’s national social action initiatives, which encourages all members to take an active role in their communities and help to solve local issues such as getting out to vote.

This committee carries out programs and initiatives that serve the needs in Aurora and surrounding communities. Whether it is the service committee alone or in partnership with Elder Care, Adopt-a-School, or Z-HOPE, this committee’s goal is to SERVE

This committee supports the sorority-wide Domestic Violence Awareness Initiative by sharing knowledge and providing education about Domestic Violence, promoting healthy relationships, and providing support to those in need.

This committee is responsible for promoting the chapter’s initiatives and maintaining the sorority brand. This committee also oversees the chapter’s social media accounts and website.

This committee hosts several social events for the purpose of sisterhood bonding.

This committee honors the sorority’s Finer Womanhood period from the last week of February through March.  During this period, the chapter attends a community service event, a Sunday church service, and a sisterhood bonding event. The chapter also provides a scholarship donation. All of these activities represent the sorority’s principles of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finer Womanhood.

This committee ensures a smooth transition for new members, reclaimed members, and transferred members. They also host embellishment events to enhance retention and provide opportunities for chapter members to spend quality time together.

Short for, Zetas Helping Other People Excel, Z-HOPE is a committee that creates outreach programs designed to enhance and empower women, men, youth and seniors to develop healthy lifestyle choices.